Happy Valentine's Day, 2010!!! I know many people might feel that Valentine's Day is overrated, but if it's an excuse for Freddy and I to have an evening out alone, I will take it! :) We usually don't go out on actual Valentine's Day, but do try to get out before the holiday. This year, we went to Cheuvront's Wine Bar - we were VERY impressed!!! The meal and wine were amazing and the price was excellent! We had a great time having a nice dinner, just the two of us..... :)
Analisa went to her first Valentine's Day Dance this year. She is growing up so fast! These days, I don't think Mom is very "cool" in her eyes. Everything I like she hates! So, in order to avoid any battles, my friend Colleen took her shopping for me! THANK GOOODNESS for wonderful girl friends!!!! Colleen helped Analisa pick out a dress, shoes, and of course, fake nails for the evening! :) They were only gone for a couple of hours. Had I taken her, we would STILL be at the store trying to compromise on an outfit! LOL... Here is a picture of Analisa before I dropped her off.....she looked so beautiful!
Finally, here are some of my favorite pictures of my favorite kids - I think these pictures are very appropriate for Valentine's Day! So many pictures full of hugs and kisses.... :) Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!
I really, truly have the best friends ever. I don't know what I would ever do without my friends....they all mean the world to me! This past weekend I got to celebrate my friend Neyma's birthday. I've known Neyma for almost 20 years....wow! One of my oldest and dearest friends ever. We have a great group of friends that try to get together to celebrate special days in our lives....me, Neyma, Melissa, Denise and Elena. I love these girls soooo much! We laugh tons when we are together and have been there for each other through thick and thin. And, we have all depended on Neyma at some point of our lives....she is our rock!! Here is a pic of our last outing - us celebrating Neyma's bday!!! Happy birthday, Neyma!!!! I thank you for being there for me always.....can't wait to celebrate with you again soon!! :)
Liliana had a little accident.......
Well, I would have never guessed it, but Liliana is the first out of the three cousins to have a cast put on. I thought for sure it would have been Dominick!!! LOL! She had a little accident after the big Cardinals game on Sunday. Freddy took her to urgent care and they thought her wrist had been fractured. They put a splint on her and a little sling . . .she kept calling it her "purse for her arm." :) I had to follow up with the pediatric orthapedic doctor. We were really hoping that we were overreacting, but no such luck. Lily has a fractured elbow and has to have a cast on for a few weeks. The doctors were so impressed by how well behaved Lily was during the entire visit. Lily didn't make a peep and was so extremely cooperative. Now, if it had been Layla, we would have probably have needed to sedate her to put a cast on! Lily is still as active as ever and is adjusting very well to her new little cast. Layla is taking very good care of her sister and kisses her little cast throughout the day. Layla has been sleeping with Lily lately......so cute. :)
Dominique, Moone, Nikki and I got together to celebrate our day off! We had a fun play date with the kids. They were all so good and had a great time together. It was fun watching all the kids interact with one another........there were 9 kids and only four mommies! LOL!! So cute . . . check out the pics!
Jaysen and I had our first annual Holiday Party!! I think it was a huge success!! We were able to gain new friendships as well as celebrate with some of our very best friends. Check out the pics below!!!!
Well, Christmas has come and gone . . .but what a fun time it was!!! Analisa got almost everything she asked for . . .webkinz, Imagine DS games, Sing it for the Wii. Funny thing is she seems to be having most fun with her new sketch pad and colored pencils! :) The twins still didn't quite understand what was going on, but it was so much fun watching them open their gifts. Their favorite gifts were their new baby dolls, a karaoke machine and musical instruments!!! We spent Christmas Eve at Paula's house and were able to enjoy Christmas morning with Paula, Jenny, DJ and Dominick. Dominick got so many cool cars! It was tons of fun hanging out with all the kids Christmas morning. Freddy and I had such a great Christmas with our family this year and look forward to many more memories.
Happy New Year!
Happy 2009!!! Our family is very excited for this new year. We hope to do a little more traveling with the kids, celebrate a few birthday's (Analisa will turn 11 in May and the twins will be 3 in June!!), Freddy and I will celebrate our 4th anniversary in November (hopefully in San Francisco again!!) continue working hard and enjoy our family and friends to the fullest. We will also welcome a new nephew in late April/early May! One more cousin that the girls get to play with!! We STILL need to potty train the twins and hopefully they will begin preschool in August. I know this year will be very, very, busy but it will also be a year full of adventures and good times. We celebrated the New Year with Johnny and Del and the kids . . .what a great time we had!!! Of course I "fell asleep" before midnight, but I was woken up in time to ring in the new year. Here are a few pics from our New Year celebration!! We hope to celebrate again next year with the Carnelia's!!
We FINALLY took some family pictures!! Analisa was not thrilled, but cooperated. Layla screamed "no smile" the entire time!! Liliana was as happy as could be and had a great time! It was fun and we were very happy with the pictures!!! There are a few random pics of the girls that you will see also . . .Enjoy!
We celebrated our 3rd Anniversary this month! We went to San Francisco - one of our very favorite places!!! We have a favorite Irish Pub that we LOVE to go to . . .it is also a piano bar - we love it! They didn't play Bon Jovi for me, but it was still a BLAST! Everything was great about our trip. Freddy and I got to spend lots of time together which we really needed. And yes, Freddy turned off his phone the whole trip!!!! :)
Halloween, 2008
Here are a few pics from Halloween, 2008! The twins were Minnie Mouse . . .sooo cute! Freddy and I went to Hector's annual Halloween party . . .hopefully the tradition will continue next year! I was 80's Madonna and Freddy was supposed to be Weird Al Yankovich. Don't know if he pulled it off . . . who do you think he looks like?! At the end of the night, he was Howard Stern! Good times!